
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Operating system

 Os   Operating system

Windows 98, xp, 7 , 10  Unix   Linux dos  are example os.
Control internal functioning
Computer cannot run without os                 
It manage technical details
Manage resource
Provide  user interface gui cui
Manage running application               
Window os was loanched in 1985
Upgrade - means to change  window  9 to  window 10 

 Useful study material of computer for banking rscit all other competitive exam

     Gui    grafical user interface
                 Element of gui.
Pointer curser
Dialog box    Help

Type OF OS
Time sharing [time slie time quentum]
Real time [reservation,GPS]
Batch processing                                         
Perlal processing

User interface
Gui (grafical user interface)
      Window is gui based os.
Cui (character user interface)
     Dos disk operating system is cui based os.

File system
Fat - file allocation table
Ntfs new technology file system

Boot-  start pc   a process in which computer load os in ram from rom

reboot  -  restart

Cold boot – systematicaly start os by cpu
Warm boot - we do after a software dowanload
Shut down - systematically close os

Window os :-  is  mostly used os.
Linux   :- free version of UNIX.
Embedded   os :- software stored on rom -android ,kitkat ,loylipop
DESKTOP OS :-    stored on hard disk.
Mac os :- is used by  graphic designer and multimedia expert .
iOS :-  apple  I phone os
 Leopard :-   a version of Mac os
Nos  :- network operating system
Nos control coordinate interlinked computer


Post  - power on self test
Post process Check hardware are they properly working.

Multitasking   is a ability of computer to perform more than one task at a time
Os load Device driver   it in memory every time when computer restart

Full form
Os  - operating system
Acpi  - advance configration power interface
Bios -  basic input out put system
Dos -  disk operating system
Fat - file allocation table
Ntfs -  new technoloogy file system
Post – power on self test

Accept -ok
Deny - no
Proceed – go ahead
Halt - stopped program


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