
Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Provide storage area for data.

bit - binary digit
Bit- smallest unit of memory
Bit - binary digit either 0 or 1

b bit
B byte
Kb kilobit
kB kilobyte www.cloudelearning.in
MB megabyte
GB giga byte
TB tera byte

Useful study material of computer for
banking rscit all other competitive exam

4 bit = nibble
8 bit = 1 byte
1024 byte = 1 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
1024 MB = 1 GB
1024 GB = 1 TB
1024 TB = 1 YB

One mega byte equal 1 million byte

Data transfer speed of computer
bps :- bit per second
Kbps :- kilobit per second

KBps :- kilo byte per second

small to big unit of memory
bit kb mb gb tb
big to small unit of memory
tb gb mb kb bit

fast to slow memory of computer
register ,cashe , ram
,hard disk

Data accessing - Means how we reach to data.

1 . Random accessing - ability of computer to
jump to
Requested data Eg ram ,
2. Sequential accessing - tap cassette

Access speed - time to access data or program
from memory.

Delete - to erase a file form memory.
we recover deleted data if we do not
overwrite data.
Formate - formate make track & sector on disk.

Backup - to make a duplicate copy a file.

Volitale storage - Temporary storage , Ram
Nonvolatile storage - permanent storage
rom fdd hdd pendrive

Two type of memory
1 primary memory
2 secondary memory

1 . Primary memory
Register , cashe , ram ,rom are primary
memory of .

Useful study material of computer for
banking rscit all other competitive exam

1 Register :- high speed memory used in cpu
during processing.
2 Cashe :- Very fast memory, hi speed holding
area btw cpu and

random access memory
instruction and data that are processed by cpu is
located in ram.
Ram access data randomly or Directly.
Ram is Volitale or temprory storage
Sram static ram
sd ram synchronous sdynamic ram
ddrram double data rate ram
worm write once read many

2gb 3gb 4gb ram are now in use

4 ROM Read only memory
Permanent storage
Non volitale
Rom is also called programmed chip.
Rom is built in memory.
Eprom -Erasable programable read only memory
Eeprom- Elecrronoc erasable programable read
only memory
Wrom -writable rom
Prom -Programable read only memory
Non volitale written only once
embedded os reside in rom
bios stored in rom

Secondary memory

1 . fdd
floppy disk drive
Normal Fdd 1.44mb 2hd size 3 inch
High capacity 750 mb size 3 inch

hard disk drive
hard disk reside in disk drive.
hdd has large storage capacity.
40 gb 500 gb 1 tb 2 tb
Solid state storage

high speed data storage device big strong platters
used ,
no running equipment
disk cashing improve speed of hard disk
magnatic storage are commonly used storage

Optical disk :- Cd DVD use laser thachnique

cd compact disk
Cd provide read and write facility
cdr compact disk recordable
cd rw compect disk re writeable
Cd rom

Data storage capacity 650 mb to 1 gb
A cd rw can be written to ,but a cd rom can only be
read from.


Dvd digital verstale/videio disk
4.7 gb to 17 gb

dvdr :- digital verstale/videio disk recordable
Track :- concerting ring on a disk
BURN :- to write data on disk
Pits :- high area on disk
Lends :- low/plain area on disk
Dencity : - packing of bits on disk
Brd - Blue ray disk : - high def optical disk provide
storage 25gb to 50 gb
Hi def : - next generation of optical disk

Flash memory - credit card size solid state
storage used in

Usb - universal serial bus
Pendrive - storage 1gb to 64 gb

Mass storage - high capacity secondary storage
device for org
Mass storage is used large data

Raid - redudent array of inexpensive disk
connected chip hard disk drive
collection of hard disk

Internet hard drive
storage provided by web sites either
free or low cost.

File compression - increase storage capacity by
reduseing file size.
Compressed file extension is .zip

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